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Online Boggle Help
Overview | Account Information | How to Play Online | Valid Words | Scoring and Rankings | Problems


Boggle is a word search game where players get 3 minutes to connect letters on a 4x4 grid (the board) to form words (there is also big boggle which has a 5x5 board). It is fun and simple and highly addictive. Normally the game is played with everyone in the same room around the same board. Each player has their own pencil and paper and 3 minmutes to find as many words as possible. When the time runs out, each player reads aloud the words they found while others listen and cross off duplicate words. The winner is the player who scored the most points from the unique words they found.

Online boggle is an adaptation of this game designed to played over the internet and allows the rounds to played at the players convenience, so that all players do not need to be present (logged in) at the same time to have a functional game.

Account Information

  • To play Online Boggle you must create an account.

  • Accounts are required becuase the system must be able to track your process in a game and know who you are when you return.

  • All of the fields in the registration form are required to create your Boggle account.

    Full Name: Your account information will be available only to other Online Boggle players. There is no need to use your real name unless you would like other players to know who you are.
    Username: For this you should use your normal nickname or online username
    Password: When logging in, your username and password will be tranmitted in clear text over the internet. For this reason you may want to use a different password for your Boggle account than the password you use for other internet accounts.
    Email: You must enter a valid email address or your account will be disabled.

  • If you ever need to change any of your account information, just head over to the options page.


    The owner of this website will **NEVER** give out any of your account information and every effort to keep your account information private is made.
    The owner of this website will **NEVER** send you any unwanted email or allow your email to be retrieved through this system by any one of those #@!%!$# spammers.
    Occasionally you may receive an update about changes/additions to the Online Boggle website.

    How to Play Online

    Next you need to find a game to play in. You can either create a new game or you can join an existing game. These option appear in the main game lobby which appears after you login. Once you are part of a game it will show up in the main lobby, as well as it's current status and the status of the other players and their scores.

    Now your ready to play. There are 3 important steps to each round of online boggle:

    1 - Play the round
    This is where you actually search for words. Once the timer starts you will enter your words using the keyboard taking note to press enter after each word. When the timer expires the game will validate your list, remove duplicates, and check to see if you were the last to play. If you were the last, you can continue on to the 2nd step, otherwise you must wait until all of the other players in the game complete the first step. In this case you will receive an email once all the players have played the round.

    2 - Review the round
    When all players have played the round each player will then review each other players wordlists. When you click on 'Review Round' you will have one chance per player to review their list and post comments and/or disputes about the words they found. While reviewing the lists you may click on any word found to open up a new browser window which will search dictionary.com for that word.

    3 - Finalize your score
    When all players have reviewed the round you will go back to enter your final score. This step is entirely on the honor system. The comments that other playes made about your wordlist will be displayed for you. Invalid (i.e. not on the board) and/or duplicate words you found are automatically removed from your list. Your list of possibly valid words will be displayed with a checkbox next to each one. Click the checkbox next to words that are invalid then click the finalize button.

    Once all players have entered their scores, the round will be over, scores will be updated and a new round will begin if there are more rounds left in the game.

    Valid Words

    Valid words are:

    - 3 letters or more

    - in the dictionary at www.dictionary.com

    - not a proper noun or otherwise capitalized

    - not listed as Archaic, Slang, or only in the 'specialized dictionaries' at dictionary.com

    Scoring and Rankings

    Words with 3 or 4 letters are worth 1 point. Additional letters each add 1 point. (i.e. 5 letters = 2 points, 6 letters = 3 points, etc...)

    Rankings are based on a players rating which is calculated by this formula:

    Rating = (Average number of players/round) * (Average number of points/round) * (Seconds modifier)

    The seconds modifier is a based on the average number of seconds per round, but since the difficulty increase as number seconds decreases is not linear it is based on a more compicated logrithmic function which comes out like this:

    Avg Seconds/Round   Seconds modifier
    5 4
    30 2
    180 1
    360 .76

    For more details click here.

    Rankings are updated afer every round


    If you have any problems playing the round, go into Options > Change Preferences and check the 'Use alternate word input' option. If you continue to have problems, hit up the suggestion box.

    If you are not receiving game update emails, check that the option is properly set under Options > Change Preferences and check that your email is in the system properly under Options > Edit user info.

    Anything else:
    Use the suggestion box